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NPM : 16218210


Picture 1

First picture : The first picture is an old computer version.
The computer still uses a vacuum tube and has a large size. This computer has a long time speed and requires a very high voltage
Second picture : The second picture is the new computer version.
this computer has a thin screen. The new version of the computer in accessing information has a relatively fast speed and with the electrical power it uses is not too large.
Comparison Degree
The new version of the computer in accessing information is faster than the old version.
The older version of the computer has a stronger resistance than the new version of the computer.

Picture 2

First picture : The first picture  is an audio tape recoder.
Audio tape recorder is a radio that is used to make a sound using what is recorded in it.
This audio tape recorder is used to listen to music but in its use it is difficult to operate.
Because to replace a new song, we are required to go back and forth to replace the cassette that takes a long time.
Second picture : The second picture is an ipod. 
The iPod is easy to carry everywhere because it has a small size. Inside the iPod to listen to music is also very easy and complete. Not only music, the Ipod also has videos, photos, and ebooks that have a small display.
 Comparison Degree
The iPod is easier to access music than a radio tape recorder.
The iPod is more practical to carry anywhere than an audio tape recorder.

Picture 3

First Picture : The first picture is a nurse.
A nurse works in a hospital. A nurse is in charge of caring for patients such as caring for the cleanliness of the patient's body and ensuring good condition. The nurse is also in charge of giving medication to patients according to their levels and dosages, while providing motivation and attention to patients. 
 Second Picture : The second picture is a farmer.
A farmer is someone who is engaged in agriculture by managing land in order to grow and maintain plants such as flowers and fruit. Farmers have the task of planting fruit and vegetable seeds in fields or gardens and watering while caring for the plants until the time the harvest arrives.Farmers work on plantations or fields.
Comparison Degree
Nurses are more professional in hospitals than farmers.
Farmers have more skills than nurses in growing fruit and vegetables.

Picture 4

First Picture : The first picture is firefighter.
Firefighters are people or troops who are in charge of putting out fires, doing rescue, and dealing with disasters or other events.
Firefighters are trained to save victims of disasters such as traffic accidents, collapsed buildings, floods and earthquakes.
Second Picture : The first picture is painter.
A painter is someone who creates artwork in the form of two-dimensional or three-dimensional images that can be enjoyed by others.
The painter pours the ideas of the art he has using different media such as Canvas, Paper, Wood, Walls, and others.
Comparison Degree
Painters are more creative than firefighters
Firefighters have jobs that are heavier than painters in saving people.


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